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Motley Crew record world-first vaccination shanty

David Bridle of the Motley Crew in a still from the Just Get That Jab and Go video

Just Get That Jab And Go is written and performed by the 13-strong Brightlingsea-based shanty crew and was made in partnership with the Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (ICS), which is responsible for the highly-successful local vaccination programme.  The launch of the song comes as the national programme has opened up vaccination appointments to people aged 30 and over.

With the refrain “Keep the community safe from harm, just get that jab and go”, the shanty is sung to the tune of Wellerman, the shanty that achieved TikTok fame and went to No 1 in the charts earlier this year. It even manages to integrate the local vaccine website address into one verse.

David Bridle, the Motley Crew’s Bosun, said: “We’ve all had the jab and were delighted to lend our voices to such an important campaign. After a year when we’ve mostly met on Zoom, we’re looking forward to adding it to our live shows when we’re able to perform again soon.”

Brightlingsea-based record producer Ray Hayden, of Opaz Multimedia mastered the recording and also gave his time for free. “Ray did an amazing job for us,” said David, “Having a professional involved was fantastic – we’d never have sounded so good without him.”

Simon Morgan, ICS head of communications, and who had the original idea for this unusual project, said: “Over the last couple of years the sea shanty has enjoyed a much-deserved boost in popularity, which got us thinking that having our own sea shanty composition to boost vaccination uptake, especially among younger audiences, would be a great idea.

“Our system is extremely grateful to members of the Motley Crew who have done an incredible job to reinforce the message of getting a vaccination when invited to do so.”

As well as www.sneevaccine.org.uk, the national booking website allows people to book their appointment – nhs.uk/CovidVaccination. Anyone needing support to book their appointment can call 119 or the Suffolk and North East Essex ICS helpline number 0344 257 3961.

Watch on YouTube – https://youtu.be/4fzXGRRcwFY

Watch on Vimeo (with subtitles) https://vimeo.com/555626923/433271fe17

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