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Mick Barry becomes mayor of Brightlingsea

Brightlingsea's new mayor and mayoress – Mick and Jenny Barry

Mick Barry has been elected as the mayor of Brightlingsea for a year.

He took over from Jayne Chapman after being elected by councillors at a meeting of Brightlingsea Town Council on May 19. His deputy will be Rick Morgan.

Cllr Barry also represents the town on Tendring District Council as an independent councillor, and last year stood unsuccessfully for Essex County Council. He was instrumental in the campaign to save Brightlingsea Lido, was one of the organisers of the Brightlingsea Free Music Festival and has been closely involved in the bid to save the town’s sports centre.

A retired probation officer, children’s guardian and adoption consultant, Cllr Barry has lived in the town for nearly 50 years after graduating from Essex University. His wife, Jenny, is a local primary school teacher and the couple have children and grandchildren living locally.

Thanking councillors for placing their trust in him, Cllr Barry said he intended to serve with “pride, committment and integrity”. He pledged that – following a report into its governance which has forced the organisation to overhaul its operations – the council would “be more effective and transparent” and urged people to remember that councillors are volunteers.

“Overall we live in a safe and peaceful town and we all want to keep that way,” he added, saying that there was much to be proud of in the town.

Cllr Barry praised Cllr Chapman’s work for the town. “Her British Empire Medal was fully justified,” he said – and,  handing over the chain of office, Cllr Chapman said:”Mick has been totally supportive of me and only has the best interests of the town at heart.”

Mick Barry has been elected as the mayor of Brightlingsea for a year.

He took over from Jayne Chapman after being elected by councillors at a meeting of Brightlingsea Town Council on May 19. His deputy will be Rick Morgan.

Cllr Barry also represents the town on Tendring District Council as an independent councillor, and last year stood unsuccessfully for Essex County Council. He was instrumental in the campaign to save Brightlingsea Lido, was one of the organisers of the Brightlingsea Free Music Festival and has been closely involved in the bid to save the town’s sports centre.

A retired probation officer, children’s guardian and adoption consultant, Cllr Barry has lived in the town for nearly 50 years after graduating from Essex University. His wife, Jenny, is a local primary school teacher and the couple have children and grandchildren living locally.

Thanking councillors for placing their trust in him, Cllr Barry said he intended to serve with “pride, committment and integrity”. He pledged that – following a report into its governance which has forced the organisation to overhaul its operations – the council would “be more effective and transparent” and urged people to remember that councillors are volunteers.

“Overall we live in a safe and peaceful town and we all want to keep that way,” he added, saying that there was much to be proud of in the town.

Cllr Barry praised Cllr Chapman’s work for the town. “Her British Empire Medal was fully justified,” he said – and,  handing over the chain of office, Cllr Chapman said:”Mick has been totally supportive of me and only has the best interests of the town at heart.”

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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