Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners have imposed restrictions on the use of the harbour by leisure users during the latest lockdown period.
The authority says that until there is more detailed information available from the government regarding leisure use, the following restrictions will be in place during the current period of lockdown:
- The office will be closed to members of the public.
- Leisure facilities will no longer be supported, though the Harbour will be regularly inspected seven days a week ensuring craft on pontoons are safe.
- The water taxi will not operating.
- The Town Jetty will be closed.
- Visitors, residents and Commercial operators may only enter the port or move through the harbour having previously agreed plans with the Harbour Master.
- A skeleton staff will maintain the port infrastructure to comply with the Colchester Harbour Act 2001 and the Civil contingencies Act 2004.
The harbour restrictions have meant that Brightlingsea Sailing Club has had to cancel the remaining races of its Sunday morning Winter Series and two training weekends for two youth dinghy classes. During lockdown, members are also not permitted to use the club’s launching ramp.