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Local postal votes “promptly issued” says acting returning officer

David Bridle, Editor

Postal voting in the Harwich and North Essex constituency appears to be running well – despite reports of delays elsewhere in the country.

The days running up to the election on July 4 have seen numerous complaints of postal voting forms not being received by voters across the UK and overseas.

But according to acting returning officer Ian Davidson, postal votes have been “promptly issued” for the constituency which includes Brightlingsea.

“Postal votes were dispatched on 19 June for voters already registered for one, and then on 24 June for anyone who submitted changes or applications after 3 June,” he said. “Across the Harwich and North Essex constituency the postal vote turnout is currently approaching 75 per cent returned.”

However, if anyone hasn’t received their postal vote they can request a replacement. With election day so close, this will have to be collected in person from Clacton Town Hall.

Postal votes can be returned to polling stations in the constituency between 7am and 10pm on July 4.

Standing for election in the Harwich and North Essex constituency are:

• Andrew Canessa, Green

• Mark Cole, Reform UK,

• Alex Diner, Labour,

• Bernard Jenkin, Conservative,

• Natalie Sommers, Liberal Democrat,

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