Welcome! It's July 4, 2024.
Community News & Events

How Brightlingsea can help refugees from Afghanistan

Afghanistan. Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

The Brightlingsea Refugee Support Network has issued a list of ways that local residents can help refugees fleeing from Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover.

The group has now merged with Refugee Action-Colchester, which is working with the Colchester Mosque, and is looking to support former interpreters and their families who are arriving in Colchester  – some of whom may be accommodated in the Tendring district.

Says the group: “Many wonderful people in Brightlingsea came together when the Syrian crisis of 2015 hit the headlines. By September 2016 the first of two Syrian families were generously welcomed into our community. Both families have settled into the town, contributing to the local economy and to the town’s life in general. Now we are faced with another crisis in Afghanistan and it is heartening that again many people are reaching out to ask how they could help.”

All donations are used directly to support refugees and asylum seekers.

Possible ways to help

Financial Donations: online through Refugee Action-Colchester’s Localgiving site. All donations are used directly to support refugees and asylum seekers.

Housing: any private landlords who have available accommodation please contact Refugee Action-Colchester on 01206 638484 or 07503 027734 or email Maria Wilby. Offers to volunteer should also be directed to these contacts.

Other immediate needs:

  • New underwear for men and women
  • Toiletries for both 
  • Moisturiser
  • Hair brushes
  • Nappy cream.

These may be dropped off at 144 Tower Street from August 26.There’s also a need for secure and dry storage in or close to Brightlingsea. Clothing is not needed at present and current storage is full.

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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