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Get baking to support Foodbank and Festival

Brightlingsea Foodbank volunteers, left to right: Joan Cole, Ali May-Watson, Nola Bloor, Pandy Taylor and Foodbank coordinator Win Pomroy.
Staff Reporter

Brightlingsea bakers are being asked to dust off their recipe books and whip up their favourite tasty treats to support the town’s foodbank and music festival.

The cakes, scones and savouries provided will be sold in Brightlingsea Foodbank’s tea tent at Brightlingsea Free Music Festival over the weekend of August 3-4, with the proceeds split between the two organisations.

Foodbank co-ordinator Win Pomroy said: “Our tea tent has become a hugely popular fixture at the festival, thanks to the skill and generosity of Brightlingsea people. We would be delighted to receive donations of home-made cakes, tray bakes, scones, sausage rolls and any other savouries.”

She added: “Gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian and vegan options are also warmly welcomed so we have something to offer to everyone.”

Items can be brought to the tea tent on the days of the festival, or delivered to 42 Planton Way beforehand. Call 01206 303902 to arrange – and don’t forget to label tins and containers so they can be returned.

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