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Bungalow plans for land at Strangers Way, Brightlingsea

strangers way plan
A plan of the proposed Strangers Way development

A planning application to build five three-bedroomed bungalows on land at the rear of Strangers Way, Church Road, Brightlingsea, has been made to Tendring Council.

The location was the subject of controversy in the summer of 2020 when mature trees were cut down to clear the land. Following local residents’ concerns, Brightlingsea Town Council called in Tendring District Council’s tree officer, but he decided that despite being mature and healthy, the trees had “low amenity value” and their protection “would be difficult to justify”.

One of the directors of the company that has made the planning application – Park-Mark Ltd of Elmstead Road, Wivenhoe – is Glenn Parker, who is also a director of the Stronvar care home, which is next door to the proposed development.

The plan for site includes associated parking, landscaping and amenity space and the access will exit on to Church Road. At the time of writing, one objection had been received from the owner of a neighbouring property, citing loss of privacy, increased traffic and overdevelopment among several concerns.

Brightlingsea Town Council is due to discuss the application at a meeting of its planning committee on March 11, but the final decision will be taken by Tendring Council’s planning committee at a meeting at some point after that. The full plans can be seen here.


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