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Bullying and breakdown: allegations at Brightlingsea Town Council lead to governance report

Brightlingsea Town Council - report commissioned about its governance

Allegations of bullying and a breakdown in working relationships between councillors have led to a £5,900 report being compiled into the way Brightlingsea Town Council is run.

The report – Review of Governance of Brightlingsea Town Council – makes 19 recommendations about the way the authority’s 12 councillors and seven staff operate. It was commissioned a year ago by Tendring District Council’s monitoring officer, who oversees standards at the district’s town and parish councils.

Brightlingsea Info understands that part of the report came about partly because of allegations of bullying by one councillor. Brightlingsea mayor Jayne Chapman confirmed that the trigger for the report was a “breakdown in working relationships between some councillors” and said it would assist with issues about how the council was run, how councillors understood their roles, its decision making processes and long-term council strategy.

The report, which was compiled by a firm of consultants, is due to be discussed tonight (May 5) at a closed meeting of the council without the public present. Cllr Chapman says this is so that councillors can have a “robust debate” about its recommendations and because there may be performance and other issues relating to staff that should be kept confidential.

However, she added: “The report is a document that has been paid for by public money and consequently it wlll be made public and be placed on the agenda for the next council meeting on the May 19.”




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