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Brightlingsea rowers make a special delivery

Velocity and Vanduara will be completing a unique delivery
Staff Reporter

Sacks of flour are set to be delivered by rowers from a Brightlingsea club – completing a unique water-borne journey.

The flour has been milled from grain collected in Kent by the Thames barge Blue Mermaid, a sail training vessel which will be visiting Brightlingsea from June 21-24 and showing the film Wind, Tide and Oar, about engineless sailing, in its hold.

The barge delivered the grain to the Woodbridge Tide Mill, where it was turned into flour. Now the barge is bringing the flour to Brightlingsea, from where it will be taken to the St Osyth-based Bread and Roses project in gigs rowed by members of the Brightlingsea Coastal Rowing Club – completing an engineless trip.

Bread and Roses is based on the Thames barge May, and aims to provide a supportive and welcoming space to women of all walks of life “through the gentle art of sourdough baking”.

The club’s gigs, Velocity and Vanduara, will be setting off from Brightlingsea Hard around noon on Saturday, June 22 for a row lasting around 45 minutes.

During her Brightlingsea visit, Blue Mermaid will be open to the public from 6-7pm on Friday, June 21 for public visiting, with the film screening following at 7pm until 8.30pm. The day after the public can tour from 5-6pm with the film starting at 6pm.

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