Welcome! It's July 3, 2024.
Community News & Events

Brightlingsea marks International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day will be marked in Brightlingsea with a series of talks in the Colne Yacht Club on a wide range of subjects.

With inclusion as the theme of the day, the event – on Friday, March 8 – will be running a raffle in aid of the United Nations Population Fund which supports health, dignity and rights for women.

Topics covered include health, wellbeing, work, leisure and more, including a talk on the impact on women of the war in Ukraine. The event will also feature stalls from a variety of local organisations and businesses, with evening entertainment from 7.30pm by Spare Rubs.

Entry is free. The event runs from 9am to 4pm and visitors are welcome to drop in at any time. Bar snacks will be available all day.

Running Order

09:00am – Arrival & Coffee
09:25am – Opening Remarks – Oonie Werngren / Chris Hodgkinson
09:30am – Inclusivity in Brightlingsea – Brightlingsea Mayor – Ric Morgan
09:40am – ‘I’m only part-time’ – Carol Macaskill
10:10am – Legal necessities and protection – Fereshteh Ehsan /Fay Debrick
10.35am – The impact of war on Women in Ukraine – Victoriia Barabash
10:50am – Coffee
11:10am – Rebuilding Lives – The Stroke Charity TSSS – Indira Allen
11:30am – Menopause – resources and support available – Anita Marsh
11:50am – Reike Healing and how it works – Melanie Veares
12:10am – Singing for pleasure – Women in Harmony
12:00 – 2:00pm – Lunch Available – First Responders Demo – Steve Houston
1:15pm – Travel for the Independent Woman – Vanessa Middleton
1:35pm – Springmead Gardens changed my life – Julie Ford
1:55pm – The benefits of writing – Fiction & Non Fiction – Dr Philippa Hawley
2:15pm – Tea
2:30pm – Women on the water: Freedom and Friendship Afloat – Teresa Cole
2:45pm – If this Van is rocking, you can come shopping! – Fiona Joynson
3:00pm – Introduction to Brightlingsea WI – Carole Maytum / Kerry Franklin
3:15pm – Autism & Nuerodiverse conditions in Women – Taffy Fuller
3:40pm – Wrap up and final words

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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