Welcome! It's July 4, 2024.
Community News & Events

Blues & Americana comes to Brightlingsea

This Circus Life - appearing at the Community Centre

Fans of blues and Americana can now get a fix of their favourite music at a new club in Brightlingsea.

The Colne Delta Blues and Americana Club has been formed by Brightlingsea Music Festival veterans Gary Gilders and Gary Hill, with the aim of bringing blues and Americana artists from Canada, America and the UK to play live music in the town.

The club is being run on a volunteer basis and any profits that are made will go towards helping to run the Brightlingsea Free Music Festival. The one exception will be February’s gig, where the profits will go to Brightlingsea WinterFest.

The first show was held in November and attracted an enthusiastic audience of 70 people to hear acclaimed Americana artist Kate Ellis and emerging band Mr B & The Wolf. to were.

The club meets on the third Friday of the month in the main hall in Brightlingsea Community Centre.

The dates for future shows are: –

• January 20 – This Circus Life & My Girl the River

• February 24 – Lexie Green & The Blue Indigo & Brooks Williams

• March 24 – The Blue Highways & Bob Collum and the Welfare Mothers

• April 21 – Mississippi MacDonald & Ady Johnson

For up-to-date info and tickets see https://colnedelta.club/  or https://www.facebook.com/colnedelta

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