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Beach hut re-siting begins this week

Far from home - a beach hut stranded by high tides

Work to re-site beach huts along Brightlingsea promenade that were dislodged by high tides earlier this year is to begin this week.

Over 100 huts were affected by the tidal surges in February. Some floated away and were driven by strong winds on to Promenade Way, the car park and the adjacent grassy areas, with some ending up balance precariously against telegraph poles and other huts as the water receded. Many others were shifted from their foundations. 

The pandemic stopped re-siting work, but as restrictions have lifted this week engineers from Tendring District Council will begin work again – with sections of promenade temporarily closed as a result.

Alex Porter, TDC’s cabinet member for Leisure and Tourism, said: “We are sorry for the disruption this work will lead to, but it is necessary to ensure the safety of passers-by and the engineering team while these projects are carried out.” 

He added: “This will hopefully mean our seafronts are looking at their best when restrictions are fully lifted.”

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