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Applications invited for grants to help Brightlingsea students with studies

Grant funding for students available (Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash)

The Edward Sycamore Brightlingsea Fund is now open for grant applications for young people in the town who may need financial help with studies, apprenticeships, vocational courses or equipment.

Grants are generally given to young people starting new higher or fiurther education courses or apprenticeships who need some financial help towards books, equipment or other associated costs. The average grant given is around £50 – £100

The trustees require written applications stating name, age and address, together an explanation of why the grant is needed, and what the applicant hopes to do and where they will be studying.

Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or delivered to Edward Sycamore Fund, 16 Regent Road, Brightlingsea C07 ONL. The closing date is Friday September 15.

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    Essex CO7 0RX

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