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Community News & Events

All Saints’ Church restoration project is nearing completion

Brightlingsea’s All Saints’ Church looks set to be back in use by the end of August following extensive restoration work to the tower and the construction of an extension to provide much-needed toilet and kitchen facilities.

The rotten roof beam – an unexpected discovery which added around £63,000 to the restoration bill – has now been replaced. Local supporters raised around £19,000 for the replacement, with the National Lottery Heritage Fund contributing another £42,743.

The extra money from the Heritage Fund brings its total commitment to £541,043 and, with some funds still to find, the Friends of All Saints are still waiting to hear if applications to other funders have been successful.

The Friends report that the restoration work on the tower is virtually complete with the upper stages all finished, and minor plinth work needed on the lowest stage.

The pinnacles and parapets, roof timbers, belfry light, louvres, lattice work, buttress and stone repairs have been done, with the flagpole due to be reinstated imminently.

The scaffolding will be taken down shortly, allowing work to install rainwater guttering to go ahead and general cleaning. In the extension the building work is complete, the equal-access WC installed and the kitchenette fitted out for use, with last minute snagging required, glazing to be finished, nave door painted, and external landscaping to do. Inside the church, there’s new storage made by Brightlingsea firm Wood & Mott.

There is to be a Family Open weekend on September 30, when Colchester Arts Society launches an arts trail and the Friends of All Saints’ will be hosting an event the day.

And on Saturday, August 12 Jean Loader and Karen Talmey are hosting an afternoon tea from 2-5pm at 9 Seaview Gardens to raise funds. The Friends’ JustGiving page is still open too at https://www.justgiving.com/friendsofallsaintsbrightlingsea.

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